A Cure-all for your Google SEO Obsession?


(subtitle: Don’t work so hard – its supposed to be fun!)

Are you a Google SEO obsessive?

Are you a new blogger who worries about the micro aspects of SEO, installing all manner of SEO plugins even before even writing any content?

Do you spend lots of time keywording, optimising, spinning and split testing micro paragraphs to within an inch of their meaning to stay in line with the latest theories about Google’s secret search sauce?

Do you constantly ask yourself questions like “Do I hyphenate here?”, “Will a full stop affect my SEO?”, “Have I ordered my keywords so that they balance their atomic weight with the latest quantum-physics-vistor-report-matrix?”

Have you got the bug?
If any of the above ring true for you then you may have a medical condition which I call pagerank-itis, and its contagious.

Is there a cure for Pagerank-itis?
Yes, there is, but you might not like it.

To make the condition manageable (as I’m not sure it can be cured entirely in all cases) I prescribe large doses of original content and quality organically grown inbound links.

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