There are bananas in the back garden of our home. It’s true. Right there on the banana trees. There are lots of them.
When I was a kid, bananas came slightly blackened and over-ripe. We squished them up and put them in sandwiches. I liked banana sandwiches a lot. I ate a lot of them. My bones are probably built from one third banana sandwiches, one third milk, with the rest being made up of liver, onions and mashed potato.
When I first saw bananas ‘in the wild’ I could not believe they were actually real bananas. I guess its the same kind of disconnection that some people feel between a cow and a steak. I’d never seen a banana tree before. Now there are lots of banana trees in the garden. I had to move countries for this to happen though. There are also paw-paws (came in cans as a mysterious ingredient in fruit salad when I was a child), pumpkins (only seen in American Halloween trick or treat references on imported movies), lychees (they grow in chinese restaurants don’t they?) and Custard Apples (a freak of nature never seen in my native UK). There are also lemons, limes, oranges and mandarins (only ever seen in a christmas stocking previously).
Its a race to eat them. You see, where I live the animals also have an eye on the garden. To me, its a wonderful compendium of exotic fruits for my delectation. To them its just lunch, breakfast and tea, and they seem to have a knack of grabbing things off the tree the instant they become in any way edible, or, more annoyingly just nibbling a little bit of the end, so that you don’t really want to eat it yourself.
There are bananas sat in front of me as I type this, lined up in a row, ripening on the front deck. About 10 bunches. My wife makes great banana cakes with them. You see the problem is they all get ripe at once, and eating 100 banana within the space of 4 days is not really possible for me, much as I like them, and much as the novelty of chopping them out of the tree with a machete never wears off.
My wife tells me that we have Monsterio tree somewhere in the garden. I’ve never got the hang of those. Maybe its the name. Who would want to eat a monster fruit?